

The Sheepeaters were a group of Native Americans who explored and lived in small colonies around the Torrey Valley area. The Sheepeaters were named after what they ate, sheep! This tribe was very spiritual, it is said that they would fast for days in order to see spirits. After living for centuries these cultured tribes were run out of their territory and moved into reservations. Today, roaming the Torrey Valley area, many archaeologists have discovered tools the sheep eaters left behind. Most of the tribe's fascinating culture however, remains a mystery.

Where did they live?

You could have found this tribe in the high elevations of a rocky terrain hunting sheep. These people knew the mountains like the back of their hand. They were in touch with their resourses, and knew where to find food, roots that served as medication, and falling timber for traps, and shelter. Sheepeaters used wikki-ups (tepee shape) made out of fallen timber, and caves for shelter.

What did they make?

 Today many artifacts from the Sheepeaters are left scattered in the mountains, such as bowls, and petroglyphs. The bowls were carved out of quartz. No one is positive who made the bowls, but the woman did all the reshaping. These bowls didn't only serve as a handy dish, but as heirloom passed on by the women in the tribe.

The petroglyphs in the Torrey Valley vary from small animals, to what archaeologists believe to be humans and and dogs. The petroglyphs were a spiritual release for the Sheepeaters. It is said the tribe would fast for days in order to see spirits.

What did they eat?

Sheep! Sheep! Sheep! The tribe would gather fallen timber and place it in a horseshoe shape; the sheep would then follow the timber into the sheep trap that was at the end of the timber. This was not the only way they lured sheep into their shep. These Native Americans also took advantage of their rocky terrain. The hunters would make a pit in the rocks that they could hide in, then their dogs would chase the sheep right to the hunter who would shoot his bow. Not only were they skilled hunters, they were also experts at fishing and digging up plant, such as berries and roots.